I keep pondering over these questions: does age, achievement and appearance really matter when it comes to choosing a partner / relationship?
Before I take you into the life of Jenny, I want you to remember these bible passages:
Psalm 37vs4..."delight thine self in the Lord and He shall give thee the heart desires of thine heart".
Matt 6vs8..."Be not ye therefore like unto them for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask Him".
Jennifer looked at herself in the mirror. She brushed her hair quickly and put it in a ponytail. She looked at herself again, quickly fixed her tie and put on her jacket. Jennifer dreaded Mondays, she knew she had a lot of clients to attend to. She will probably be back home very late. her mother would have to remind her that she is so into her job and not looking to settle. With that thought in her head, she quickly picked up her phone and checked it. Jacob called. She was expecting it. The guy loved hearing her say no to all his requests.
She grabbed her car keys, took one last look in the mirror and made her way downstairs. She greeted her mother and ran out the door before she could comment on her dressing. What is so wrong with a girl wearing a tie? Janelle Monae does it, nobody makes her feel bad about it.
As Jenny got into her office, the telephone suddenly rang. Hello she said, it was her childhood friend Amanda on the other end of the phone. Amanda had called to invite her for their college reunion. Jenny tried to pull out as she felt this would be one of the worse things that could happen to her. Amanda had sent the invite to her by post and now she really had no option but to attend the reunion.
Early the next morning her mum came into her room: Jenny dear can I have a word.Jenny sat up in her bed and thought this is not going to be good.
Her mum began: jenny this invite came through the post for you and it's from Amanda, it's about your reunion and attached to it is a note from Amanda which I want you to read before I carry on.
After reading the note, her mum carried on: can you see what I mean by you are not getting any younger, c'mon look at you, you will be 30 next month and what do you have to show for it, Your friend has a manufacturing company, a husband and 3 kids and you have been stuck in one silly dead end job for the past 8yrs and always running after church, are you the only Christian in the world?, ehn when will you take heed to my advice and get married?.
Jenny thought this will not end at all.
She reminded her mother: mama you do remember that so called silly dead end job is something I love doing and God gave it to me, so as far as I'm concerned I prefer this life.
Why don't you quickly settle down with jacob before you turn 30 so you could attend the reunion with him? asked her mum.
Jenny only waved her off.
When you keep dressing like a man and live this your high handed life because you're an accountant, how do you expect men to find you attractive?, ehn, said her mum.
Jenny walked to the little cottage behind the house to have a quiet time, while there she suddenly remembered the conversation she had with her Pastor at one of the marriage seminars at church.
Jenny: Pastor, I'm almost 30 and yet to be married, do I have a problem?
Pastor: first you have to understand that your will and God's will are not the same. Pray for wisdom and strength to do the right thing and trust God's plan and timing for your life.
She suddenly remembered the words to a song (while I wait) by John Walker:
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting I will serve You
While I'm waiting I will worship
While I'm waiting I will not faint
I'll be be running the race
Even while I wait
With this in mind, she got on her knees, surrendered herself to God's will and chose to attend the reunion with all honesty.
Always remember that you are never truly alone ( Heb 13vs5)
"Trust God's plan for your life and pray and ask for the leading of the Holyspirit"
Inspired by I will wait for You a spoken piece by JANETTE..IKZ of P4CM ( Passion for Christ Ministries)
Images obtained from Google. The video below does not belong to me but is property of P4CM (Passion 4 Christ Ministry).
this is absolutely amazing, you write with so much ease, kudos