understand the context of this story I suggest every one reads: Ephesians 5:
22, 25-30
Her Story: Part
you are reading this,
my name is Omoghene. About 15 years ago I came to Lagos to serve and while
attending the youth fellowship at church I met my husband to be. Well, he
seemed like the cool headed type and very spiritual.
had approached me patiently and carefully concerning him being led to marry me.
Well I’m 28, wasted all my life studying and still have no job, what on earth
could I want more than to marry this heaven sent man and move on with my life
but the voice of my Pastor back home in the South came rushing back at me,
“Before you marry someone pray about it and also get the leader of your local
church involved in it as well and never do anything without God’s leading”.
I thought this would be easy since this man leads worship and Sunday school
beautifully, he should have a clean record right. One Sunday after the morning
service, I approached the Pastor and asked for his advice, He told me to pray
and very much assured me that the particular brother in question was very
spiritual. I mean how can an anointed man of God be wrong? I prayed and trusted
what the Pastor had said and got married to the man.
one year we had our daughter Peju and that’s when I started noticing signs of
his abusive nature. He would normally threaten to hit me and Peju but I thought
nothing of it because I linked everything back to stress or his late night
clubbing activities. Our son Dara was born 5 years after Peju and still he
showed a few signs of violence. Most nights I would lay awake alone in bed and
with tears in my eyes cry out to God.
Dara turned 5, my husband began hitting me and even at one point almost
strangled me only to be saved by one of the neighbors who pitied me. As years
went by, the abuse increased and I could no longer bear it, I decided enough
was enough and approached his family members who till this day did little or
nothing to resolve the situation. It’s Dara’s 10th Birthday, I look
so lean and unhappy what will my mother say. She wept when she saw me but I
reassured her all was well. I had to smile it was my son’s birthday. A few days
after Dara’s birthday, a series of nightmares keep haunting, so I have decided
to visit the Pastor. Yes, the same one who conducted our wedding because now I
need answers.
this is the day I must visit Pastor. I have decided to either separate from my
husband till things are resolved or get a divorce but nonetheless I need
answers. I’ll be back to give you my feedback……..
Love should not hurt you or kill you
You have a right and a voice
You have a future and your own mind
Above all you have God
Call on Him and He will surely answer
Remember: Love Should Never Hurt......
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