Theme: The Kingdom Woman
The word "kingdom" means a state or people ruled by a king or queen. As a kingdom woman you are a queen so your are to do things that present you as good and appropriate. You are to carry yourself in a way that immediately people see you, they give you the respect you deserve. As a kingdom woman you must also learn to keep the company of those who will add value to your life.
There are very good examples of kingdom women in the Bible but in this study, the focus will be on Deborah and Esther.
(a) Deborah (Judges 4) - the following are the attributes of Deborah which made her a kingdom woman:

- She was a homemaker, because not only was she a wise judge, she was also a married woman who was never in competition with her husband.
- She was a 'Mother in Israel', why? because she had a meaningful life which encouraged people (men, women, young or old) to seek her for advice.
- People could see the glory of God in her life.
- She went from being a judge to becoming a leader. Do you know that how much progress you make in life as a woman depends on your attitude. If you are surrounded by friends or people who put you down cut them off.
- She led with authority from God.
- She was trustworthy ( Judges 4 vs 8-9). Can God trust you with his work or message?
- God released His word through her.
- She was a good listener cos she asked God to open her spiritual hear.
- She was also humble.
- She was a motivator. Learn to always influence others positively.
(b) Esther, Esther 9 vs 29:
- She was determined, not because she was from a rich background but on the contrary she was determined to succeed because she wanted a change for her people and also because she carried God along with her in everything she did.
- She had the Holy Spirit in her and that's why she was transformed from an orphan to a Queen.
- She waited patiently on God and while her people suffered, she remained in the closet and prayed and fasted until she won the battle spiritually . Esther 4 vs 15-16 and Esther 6
- She made her mark.
- She had the fire of God in her.
- She was sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
As a young lady, you need to learn to take time out and ask God for directions. Learn to listen to His voice and ask Him to lead along the right path.
One thing we need to know as women is that we are a powerful force and as the saying goes "behind every successful man is a woman". As a woman you must learn to respect your husband no matter the situation you both find yourselves in. He's the head and as you know every head must succeed, therefore you should learn to pray violent prayers concerning the success of your husband. If the head becomes a failure, then you automatically become a failure because his failure is as a result of you not carrying out your duties effectively
Learn to be a kingdom woman, let God inspire you, let Him speak to you. Let Him use you.
Never let others underestimate your abilities
by Pastor (Mrs) Olugbenga
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