Saturday, 10 September 2011

He Makes The Difference

Observing the boldness of Peter and John and realizing them to

be uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and knew that

they had been with Jesus."

(Acts 4:13)

What a powerful statement! The religious elite, having observed

Peter and John's conduct and character, while enduring persecution,

said that they reminded them of Jesus.

Peter and John had just healed a man who was lame from birth,

preached until 5000 men came to Jesus, and immediately thereafter,

were thrown into jail on bogus charges. The following morning they

were brought before a court comprised of some of the same people

who sent Jesus to the cross. In the face of this hostile situation,

they stood boldly imbued with power of God. They did not speak

until they were lead by the Holy Spirit. They said what He told

them to say, and did what He told them to do. They did not allow

their flesh to give occasion to their accusers to find fault with them.

The Bible says that Peter and John's witness was so strong, that

the one's who questioned them, after listening to them speak,

"had nothing to say in response." (Acts 4:14). The ones who

forcible detained them had to set them free - untouched. Peter

and John passed the test with flying colors. Their accusers where

looking for a fight and end up seeing Jesus - again!

Often, when we are faced with conflict or volatile situations we

allow our flesh to govern our conduct. We become part of the

problem instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us through

our problem. We go to church on Sunday and leave Jesus at the

door on our way out to face the remainder of the week. Jesus wants

to come home with you. He wants to go to work with you. He wants

to give you wisdom on how to talk to those who are trying to trap

you. He wants to show you how to relate to those who despitefully

use and don't appreciate you. He wants to be the strength and

wisdom you need to overcome what it is that has mounted an attack

against you. However, you must let Him do the talking. The

prophet Isaiah says that God: "will keep him in perfect peace,

whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You"

(Isaiah 26:3-4, KJV).

Are you stressed out about a current or pending situation? How

do you handle conflict and persecution? When you're going through

what you go through, what do people see? Better yet - "Who do

they see?" Is it you or Jesus? Stand in the power of His might.

For "greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world"

(1John 4:4). Remember, Jesus makes the difference!

Written by (Sam Ogunnaike)

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